Happy 40th Birthday, Cellphone.
One of the first times I saw a cellphone was on popular early ’90s show, Saved by the Bell. Ah the Zack Morris “Brick Phone.”
I must have gotten my first cellphone in 1995. A gigantic Ericsson. Followed by an equally large Nokia and then eventually, a sleek (at the time) StarTac. Through the years, there were more surprising innovations – things I never thought possible. Even as an early adopter of mobile technology, I never expected the disruptive innovation we have today.
Thankfully, we learned a lot through our clients. Text messaging (SMS & pSMS) from mBlox; mobile/social email from Return Path; mobile advertising from Third Screen Media, Millennial Media and GoldSpot Media; mobile machine technology with Google; TV everywhere with SeaWell; movie ticketing from Fandango; mobile commerce and payments from Mobilians; mobile touch and user experience technology from Movial; mobile idle screen technology from mPortal and Mobile Posse; the Mobile App Nation, building ecosystems with Handango, enabling armies with EachScape, unveiling innovations with Boom and Numbeez; mobilizing music and radio with TargetSpot and Guvera; optimizing and controlling the mobile video, gaming and multimedia experience with BroadHop (Cisco), Camiant (Tekelec) and Movik.
What once seemed impossible or improbable is now not only a reality — but mainstreaming, and making money. Remember the Jetson’s video phone calls on TV? I marveled at that possibility and yet here we are with video calls on smartphones, tablets and computers.
Happy 40th Birthday, Cellphone. You’ve made a difference in our lives. Even my 7-year-old daughter is pointing out all the reasons I’m behind the curve – since most of her friends are already texting on their smartphones and iPod Touch devices. Not yet, my sweet S!